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Failed to load eeprom


New member
when i am using pj64 1.5 on another account then mine it can't load eeprom?? this ocures with all of my roms.
Please help


New member
check the files

If the eeprom files are there (in the 'save' directory), check their permissions (right-click, security tab).

I don't know why the permissions would be a problem, but it is worth a check.


I hope they're not corrupt. You could try them in another emulator.
Or, it may be it's in use by other applications. Try loggin out and in and closing any other users then retry.


New member
Doomulation said:
I hope they're not corrupt. You could try them in another emulator.
Or, it may be it's in use by other applications. Try loggin out and in and closing any other users then retry.

It works in the administrator account


New member
Oi2thew0r1d said:
If you dont have admin privliges, it may not let you write files to the disk (i.e. save states, RAM saves)

how can i change those permissions?


Only admins can...there supposedly be some programs restricting access. Because there is no windows built-in feature for this.


New member

Maybe the program is installed under the user directory -

"[x:]\Documents and Settings \Administrator"

or whatever its called on XP (I'm a 2K'er m'self).

Then the files created by PJ64 by the Administrator user would be restricted to some degree, I think.

If you've installed it there, just uninstall it and put it somewhere reasonable like under

"[x:]\Program Files\"


The documents and settings folder is restricted access to any folder there under a non-admin account.
That might be it...


New member
Re: hmmmm....

returno said:
Maybe the program is installed under the user directory -

"[x:]\Documents and Settings \Administrator"

or whatever its called on XP (I'm a 2K'er m'self).

Then the files created by PJ64 by the Administrator user would be restricted to some degree, I think.

If you've installed it there, just uninstall it and put it somewhere reasonable like under

"[x:]\Program Files\"

nope the default folder (C:\program files\project64 1.5)
