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Extracting Textures


New member
Does anyone know of a program that can extract textures from a PJ64 game?

Edit: Nvm, I see that there are stickys of these things, I'll try them out first and see my problem is resolved.
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Programmer | Moderator
you can either donate 20 dollars to the official pj64 website and get the jabosdirect3d 1.7 or you can use rice's plugin (which you can find on this site)


New member
When I install Rice's newest plugin with the bmg.dll file and I try to change the settings and it says "Cannot find bmg.dll" and after that it says "Failed to load RiceVideoDbg.dll".

Edit: Ok, bmg.dll is in the PJ64 folder as Rice's other two files are in the Plugins folder. But now it says "Cannot read from ini" or something like that.
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xZippy: You need a file package with that .ini . I suggest you to redownload the plugin, in somewhere else. ;)

EDIT: Anyways, I've attached my .ini for you. Grab it and put it in plugin's folder.
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