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eVoodoo Nemesis released


Active member
<a href="http://evoodoo.emulation64.com">eVoodoo</a> author McLeod just announced he's planning on releasing betas more often, and naming all differently. That's why the name of this new beta is eVoodoo Nemesis (greek godess of fate and revenge...hmm...you learn something new every day. :p):

<font class=post_quote>Whats new in this versión:

- Fix most of known problems with Glide64:
* Window/Fullscreen toggle bug
* Now all swap modes work without problems
* Better support of framebuffer

- Most acurate emulation of second tmu, but still incomplete
- Filters now are more compatibles</font>

You can download the new beta in <a href="http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=17097">this thread</a>. The release is not supported, but McLeod would appreciate if you left him feedback. :)
