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EmuTalk Reborn suggestions



1964 Ultrafast has been moved as a 1964 subforum, same goes for Mupen64Plus which is now under Mupen64. Not sure if it's best to keep them there or if they should be under Unofficial Emulation Projects or perhaps somewhere else.

Thanks for the fast response.


Can I request for 1964mod to be moved from "Unofficial Emulation Projects" into 1964 subforum?
The reason is because both 1964 UltraFast & 1964mod are 1964 clones and they should belong to the same category. :)

I feel that all the clones should belong to the "Unofficial Emulation Projects".

Another option is to put 1964 UltraFast & 1964mod under "New N64 Projects" within the "N64 Emulation" section - since there is already an "Old N64 Projects" category.

Once the project mature thru' major overhaul of original author codes or distinguish itself from the original emu, they can be moved out into its own category within "N64 Emulation" section.

Just my thought
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This place just does not look or feel the same without the original emutalk forum theme. Maybe it's just me and eventually I can get used to it, but I'd like to see something different (or the original) or give users the ability to change their theme.


Sony battery
This place just does not look or feel the same without the original emutalk forum theme. Maybe it's just me and eventually I can get used to it, but I'd like to see something different (or the original) or give users the ability to change their theme.
I share your sentiments. :) I guess vB 4 doesn't support vB 3 themes, so I'm guessing the theme will/would need to be ported to vB 4. Though, the theme was actually pretty similar to the default vB 3 theme if I understand correctly, so if a default vB 3 theme port for vB 4 exists, I would imagine it could be modified to look like the old EmuTalk theme without too much blood, sweat and tears.

Fanatic 64

Did you even see the previous EmuTalk theme?

We've had the current theme for 4 years already. It is unlikely to be changed now.
