What's new

Dualis Release 8


DCEmu Webmaster
The best Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows has seen a new release, heres whats new in this latest version:

"CPU: The Sqrt SWI is now function number 13 instead of 8
MMU: Fixed DMA word counts
MMU: Touchscreen calibration data can now be entered in the .ini file
MMU: Fixed some VRAM mappings
GPU: Fixed some hflip issues for 16-color text BGs
GPU: Fixed the VRAM source address for extended rotoscale BGs on the sub core
GPU: Fixed blending of the leftmost column for 16-color text BGs
GPU: Fixed some 16-color OBJ clipping issues
GPU: Proper VRAMCNT values are now enforced
GUI: Added an I/O register viewer
GUI: Added a tile viewer
GUI: Added a -theme commandline switch to select color theme (eg. -theme 0)
GUI: Fixed the file path of dualis.ini "

Download <a href="http://dualis.1emulation.com/" target="_blank" >Here</a>

Download Some Nintendo DS Homebrew <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ds-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Roms</a>


Poet from Hyperion
why do you call it the best nintendo ds emulator
is it aproaching to emulating ds commercial roms faster than the others?


Active member
It emulates more of the DS than the others right now. I'm pretty sure the author will stop short of adding the code to enable the emulation of commercial games if the author gets to the point where the emulator could potentially run them.
