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"Does anyone like me?" (a discussion about fitting in)


Just Having Fun
This is the only large board I visit regularly (mostly just to read) where I am not well-known (I did not say "popular" especially, though I am hated nowhere to my knowledge). With the recent posts I have been reading about a particular member here, this seems the best forum to start this without bias views for or against me personally. I am rambling somewhat, but I hope for this to be a discussion as well.

What is with people joining and working so hard to try and fit in with a new group? When you joined this forum (especially those of you with high post counts) did you try to do extra things to please people or did you just help when you could and chat the rest of the time? I am the sort of person who can make friends with anyone who does not have a closed mind because I have a likable personality. I don't try to make friends. I just be myself. I see others though who try so hard. I don't know if they join hoping to become popular quickly, or if they are jerks but want others to agree with their forced opinions.

What is with the need for people to try and work hard to be well-known and popular? Why do these same people get so angry when they don't receive the popularity that they feel they deserve?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
EmuNoviceUser said:
What is with the need for people to try and work hard to be well-known and popular? Why do these same people get so angry when they don't receive the popularity that they feel they deserve?
Because many people feel the need to be accepted and respected. Getting to be well-known and popular means to be of important status.

And if you feel important, you're at the top of the world (or internet, whichever fits in this case).

Some people just can't take even constructive criticism too well, because when they get somekind of negative feedback it means that others do not see them as important... and that really pisses them off.

Personally, I just go with the flow. If people don't like the way I act or do things, that is their problem and they are free to criticise my actions. In a civilized manner of course.

Fuck, maybe I'm totally wrong and everybody is just a delf-centered douche who thinks that others should think like they do.
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New member
In the beggining i used to avoid and pull apart fights, i was way more polite than i am now, but then i made 1000 posts and became evil.:evil:


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Jakob said:
I appeared one day and have been terrorizing n00bs and regulars alike for years;D
"Evil Bastard" is quite fitting in this context, I assume.


Once I was a noob. Today still I am. :p

I say idiot things hoping to make someone smile. I like when people like me - that's why I try to entertain. I must say that deskmod also made Miretank to be more known around. After one year here, I've turned onto a sour bastard with noobies, but it's a chain. Once you were a noob and got owned by everyone, until the moment you get how things work and get more mature.


Wilson's Friend
I was also very gentle, but now I am evil too (defined by psychology as post-1000 posts syndrom) :p


Just Having Fun
I was wondering what 1,000 posts had to do with it. Now I know! See what you have to look forward to Miretank?

I have met some severe asswipes on the net (more often on forums than in chat rooms), and the one thing they all appear to have in common when they are new and act like that is that everyone else is against them. In a way that is true. Everyone else would normally try to be nice, and they are normally being asswipes :satisfied


evil *******
the key to being truely evil on a forum is this... the ability to draw out the inner n00b in any arrogant twit who thinks they run the universe, they tend to be predominantly australian somehow, second place would be americans, but australia has a mere 10th of their population, so, well, wtf?

And the key to not being a n00b? Don't overreact to everything, someone disagrees with you when you're bullshitting? back down, because, while they may also be full of shit, they may also know what they are talking about, you don't know and won't find out as long as you spew your crap:)

Of course, I sincerely doubt anyone will heed my advice here.


New member
actually I have to agree with the backing down part. If anyone disagrees with me, I let them. Most people are older than me here anyways. Last thing I want people to see me as is a little immature high school kid trying to be a geek. I will admit that sometimes I act immature. But I try to be aware of it hoping people wont think of me so immaturely.

At my school I dont fit in. I dont even try to. Almost everyone at my school are a dumb ESPN jocks. IMO, I hate ESPN. Im proud of it also. Im a geek (I dont wear the geek clothes) and I can understand if you people disagree with me, but my opinion is not likely to change. I really dont care what people think about me, and Im still a happy person.

I still have friends, and they are ESPN hating geeks like me. People used to think lowly of us. But we have our respect now :evil: at my school, Its pretty much me and my friends against our computer administrator who is a complete n00b with computers. But beside the fact...

All I have to say, is just be your own self. Why try to conform and be who your not? Its just stupid. I have my friends, I have my hobbies, Im happy, and best of all, people have seen what I can do, so I have respect.


X said:
no, with 100 posts you cry when ppl disagree with you.:baby:
yeah :D
I was wondering what 1,000 posts had to do with it. Now I know! See what you have to look forward to Miretank?
Nah, post count isn't my aim anymore. When I was younger here, I always wanted to have 321965130324685413512 posts, like old guys here. But now I see posts aren't the meaning of quality. I prefer to stay quiet around and post when I know or when I want to say something funny. Or useful (rarely :p).

I like forums. Actually is the only thing that gives me pleasure. Besides secks. :p


New member
WhiteX said:
no, with 100 posts you cry when ppl disagree with you.:baby:

Baby? C'mon, don't talk to me like that! I won't tell my mommy that you said it just because I don't have 100 posts yet :cry:

Just kidding, guys. You'll see that I can be as evil as you are!
You haven't seen my last move yet :sombrero:


Just Having Fun
So, around here, it matters not if you fit in so long as you are evil? Interesting place you have here! hehehe


New member
Jakob said:
the key to being truely evil on a forum is this... the ability to draw out the inner n00b in any arrogant twit who thinks they run the universe, they tend to be predominantly australian somehow, second place would be americans, but australia has a mere 10th of their population, so, well, wtf?
You really are a bastard. :evil:
