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dk64 barrel thing


New member
smiff youre asking for bugs, but i got something maybe similair.. ???
it's the dk64 barrel problem.. i tried like everything, ogy helped me but nothing worked..
so i made a couple of screenshots.. i also have the save state file, and the other normal state.. u asked for that in a forum somewhere in january.. i u need them plz lemme know



Ive not played this game yet but what seems to be the problem with the barrels?


New member
nope it's not the video plugin..
well the barrel problem is in the 1st 2 levels (as far as i know, cuz i couldn't get beyond those 2)..
in the first level you get blasted to the barrels and you must go from ine barrel to antoher.. it then starts to emulate really fast.. not the fps, that's normal (60).. and no matter at what angle u shoot it won't go
in the 2nd level u got another barrel game .. but in this one u don't get blasted in the barrel; u fall back!!???
it's not something with the rom.. i don't think it's a bad dump, cuz i checked it with goodn64 and tried several roms, several versions etc still same problem


New member
I played dk64 us. with pj64 up to the 4. level , I can tell only the level 3. barrel blast mini game works properly. A few weeks ago I wrote a thread about partial solution for the problem (dk64 makeshift) but that's not the real thing.I provide savestate via E-mail anyone interested

[email protected]
