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Dell laptops are on fire - seriously


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Kind of ironic and funny that the computer in question was a Dell. I'm glad no one got hurt though.


New member
Thats what you get when you buy laptops from dell (heh, ok bad pun) It sure is my last dell. I cant beleive I let my parents get me a dell in the first place. Or Beefy computer, if you know what Im saying, mine looks just like the beefy computers.


Sony battery
That was my thought too! :D I liked the comment in the article about not holding your laptop on your lap - could lose a lot more than a computer.


Sony battery
Dell laptops are on fire - seriously, Episode II

What started out as an unfortunate fluke in Japan is starting to look more and more like a war on the laps of the people.

"I heard a small poof"

Maybe Dell should start offering some sort of protective undergarment along with their laptops - at least as long as their using this type of battery. :happy: (Sorry about bumping the thread, but the new story seemed worth it.)


New member
This story was amusing, but I'm sure not as rare as people are making it out to be.

And no, this isn't to say Dell PCs or laptops are any more at risk than any other brand to have this freak thing occur to them.

But it's pretty ridiculous to say you'll never get a Dell just because of this incident.

The thing is: shit happens. We have nfc why this laptop did what it did, and there could be a lot of reasons for it. :)


Sony battery
True; it's actually the batteries that cause the trouble - not the laptops themselves, but it's still funny all the same.


Why do we always find that behind these stories, sony is behind? Can't they do proper hardware? Oh, forgive me, of course they can't... :doh:
