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Dawn sleeps with ATi


Go Sweden! Not!
Oh my oh my, nVidia is in for it, even their mascotte has jumped ship... do you remember all the pretty Dawn pictures with the GeForce FX launch?

Guess what... she's running on ATi hardware :) Anyone with a R3xx chip on their card can now enjoy the majestic nVidia Dawn demo. How? With a nice OpenGL wrapper, that's how.

Wrapper is attached to this thread... now let's see some funny details:

  • It runs 15% faster than NV30 on the 9800pro, and it also runs faster than NV35 (we are unable to personally confirm this but a user with both cards and FRAPS could).
  • Creates higher quality images than the original due to the normalization being done in a fragment program (dp3/rsq/mul) instead of in a normalization cubemap which the FX extensions does directly in hardware .
  • The OpenGL wrapper adds more overhead, as it has to interperet code calls for Nvidia extensions and map them to ATI/ARB extensions, and yet it still runs faster on the ATI card, due to its more sophisticated pixel shader engine.

And a nice screenshot from it running on my Radeon9700 Pro: (1024x768, 6x AA, 16x AF)


Source: Rage3D


Dragony thingy
I have to say, this demo is seriously disappointing. It's stupid, actually.

The poly count is way too low for a tech demo showing ONE THING. The only good looking part of her whole body, really, is her face, and a lot of the morphing of her face for expressions looks pretty... unnatural, overall. Which is stupid because they were trying for incredible realism. :\ Oh well...
