Because you don't need to boot into a GUI. Believe it or not GUI's can take up their fair share of resources on a computer, and some people just plainly don't like GUIs.
Because you don't need to boot into a GUI. Believe it or not GUI's can take up their fair share of resources on a computer, and some people just plainly don't like GUIs.
ok, since it took me 15 mins to load this page, im gonna make this reply worth it
Command lines dont necessarily get around the gui depending on how the emulator was coded, they usually just allow for you to control the emu from other programs such as frontends for example.
I designed the interface for my home theater pc. The backend is a great program called XLobby. Games are only one of the small thing that xlobby does. But for me, its one of its best features. I have similar category screens for every system you see. You can create databases for your games, or mp3s or movies, or whatever, and execute them via the touchscreen, remote, mouse or palm computer interface. HTPC's and xlobby are the future of all entertainment!