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CaSTaway/PSP 001 alpha Released


The Show Must Go On!
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>Skeezix has released his initial version of his CaSTaway (AtariST) emulator port for the PSP handheld. Here is some information from the readme for version 001 alpha.

Crappiest first alpha (for PSP). Don't expect much yet, except for updates to come quite quickly over the next little while.

Although the emu is missing any form of finesse, it does run pretty well -- for many or most games, it'll run full speed with no frameskip (which is good since I didn't implement frameskip yet ;) During 'heavy math' operations it'll run slower, so unpacking Dungeon Master takes a good minute or two probably.. but running Xenon 2: Megablast and it'll run a little too fast until I add speed throttling.

Head on over to the official site for more information.

:: CaSTaway/PSP Official Site
:: CaSTaway/PSP 001 alpha
