Created by Rich Whitehouse , BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar and Jaguar CD emulator to offer compatibility with the entire library of commercially sold cartridges and offers excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features.
Note that it was originally a closed source emu which was integrated into the Atari50 compilation . It is without a shadow of a doubt the best Jaguar emulator ahead of Phoenix (which remains the best 3DO emulator), VirtualJaguar, Mame and all the rest.
Note that it was originally a closed source emu which was integrated into the Atari50 compilation . It is without a shadow of a doubt the best Jaguar emulator ahead of Phoenix (which remains the best 3DO emulator), VirtualJaguar, Mame and all the rest.
– Jaguar VR support is here, with head tracking and stereoscopic rendering.
– A new Head Tracker input device type has been added, along with some options for converting analog inputs to tracker angles.
– Stereoscopic rendering is fully implemented, and integrated into the scripting system.
– Check out all the new settings in the Video/VR menu.
– The scripting system has the potential to add Head Tracker support and stereoscopic rendering to any Jaguar title, so more Jaguar VR games may be coming!
– This video demonstrates and explains some of the new VR functionality: – Added an OpenVR plugin to support the new Jaguar VR implementation.
– A new script is included to implement stereoscopic rendering and enable Head Tracker support in the final/retail version of Missile Command 3D.
– To map the head tracking through any analog input with the script enabled: set the second input device type to « Head Tracker », and bind the second device’s analog inputs to whatever pleases you.
– To enable stereoscopic rendering with the script enabled: go to Script Settings in the menu and enable the stereoscopic rendering option. Stereo-capable scenes will be rendered using the emulator’s selected VR/anaglyph 3D settings.
– When VR is enabled (via the Video/VR settings) and successfully initialized, if a compatible headset is present, its orientation will automatically feed the Head Tracker input.
– Stereoscopic rendering was never actually implemented in MC3D, this is a brand new software feature designed to fully realize the potential of Jaguar VR.
– Fixed a Blitter issue with DCOMPEN in phrase mode. (introduced in the Patreon-exclusive 1.061 build)
– Lots of changes/additions for developer mode, and separate debugger-enabled builds are now available from the official web site. Check the ReadMeDev.txt file in the debugger-enabled build distribution for more information. (introduced in the Patreon-exclusive 1.061 build
PS : Pour choisir la langue, quand vous lancez l’émulateur, allez sur information / language / strings_fr.txt