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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Audio Replacement Projects ?


New member
yep i have read and the problem is not exactly the same i think , zilmar say in term of include sound remplacement in emulation but my idea is simply emulate normaly and run a mp3 player with memory call between the emulator kernet and the sound plugin... i think it can be the solution but in this case whe need game and track specific name... but im sorry if my idea is wrong


The problem is that sound is done via software and not hardware. There is no easy way to say "aha, a sound is loaded from address X" because the SOFTWARE does it and not the hardware. Emulation means simulating the hardware to make the software work.
You would have to know what the software is doing and make decisions from that. The hardware simply outputs the audio that the software has mixed.


New member
ok thx i see what you mean... the n64 has no hardware for sound (no spu)and its the cpu witch create the sound and the sound dont realy exist in the rom...(not like game with cd track) so ok thx its imposible XD (or hack the rom...) but thanx its clear now ;)
thx doomulation ;)


It's up to the software to mix and load sound and do whatever with it, just as graphics. But there is hardware for graphics, to tell the system what textures to load and such, but no such thing for audio. That's done in software - it isn't impossible to do it, but it will require a lot of work and it will work mostly on a per-game basis.


New member
Erm... Hacking games is AFAIK not illegal.

I guess the only way to do this, is by making a program that check the RAM adress that tells the hardware what music should be playing, disable the music and have the program play something else.


Unless we get the data from the emulator, and somehow transfer this info to a music player, or input plugin....


But the problem is that the hardware only plays the sound stream - it does not mix or do anything else about it so it doesn't know. The software knows. That's the point. Or am I missing something?


My idea was that we get calls from the emu, like zilmar's idea. We pass this info to the music player or the player's input plugin for this, and then we do the music replacement.

Of course, we do need to reverse-engineer the sound microcodes in HLE, though....


New member
This would be cool if it would actually work w/o dragging the system and emulator down the tubes in terms of speed and quality.


New member
I hope we do see this come to fruition one day, even if it's only for two games, Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 respectively, one thing I do know is that it would be awesome to have upgraded, symphonic audio to go along with the high res textures, the two biggest N64 games and the only two to be more or less fully retextured so far should be the ones to receive completion as it were with updated graphics AND audio.

Personally I am not sure if it can be done, though I can understand people who say well retexturing works so why shouldnt audio ? But from what I gather the retexturing and the audio are completely different and require totally different things due to the way the N64 handles the information, hence the reason it may not be doable or feasible. Maybe with specific plugins made for one or two specific games....but I just don't see full scale audio replacement like we see for the textures happening unfortunately. I will be pleasently surprised should this happen though.


New member
I've forgotten what Goron's Lullaby sounds like - did Goron's lullaby even exist ? are you sure you're not mixing Zelda's Lullaby with a Goron song or something ?

In any case I didn't know this, that's good news then, proves it CAN be done in theory.


New member
THAT IMAGE IS A FORGERY......lol only joking.

Yeah that helps, just abit lol. I stand corrected.


That's Majora's Mask that you are playing there isn't it ?
That would explain why I hadn't heard of the Goron's Lullaby, I thought you was referring to Ocarina of Time.

Lesson in Life For The Day - Never assume hehe.


New member
Hi Guys,
This is somewhat out of the blue I know but I just recently started replaying ocarina of time and thought it would be cool to play with ZREO's reorchestrated version, I came across this thread a few days ago and have been tinkering with Azimer's HLE audio plugin since. I've manage to replace some of the music in ocarina of time, I made a blog post for an explanation and demo video, and I started putting the replacement codes on github it's very basic so far though I'll be adding more codes later and refining the plugin modifications when I get time.

Enzo Dragon

Hi Guys,
This is somewhat out of the blue I know but I just recently started replaying ocarina of time and thought it would be cool to play with ZREO's reorchestrated version, I came across this thread a few days ago and have been tinkering with Azimer's HLE audio plugin since. I've manage to replace some of the music in ocarina of time, I made a blog post for an explanation and demo video, and I started putting the replacement codes on github it's very basic so far though I'll be adding more codes later and refining the plugin modifications when I get time.

What the F*#%?!!?! This dude never got a reply?

Judging from his video, this was friggen AMAZING!! Does anyone have the .dll from his github saved?
