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ATI or nVidia?

Who truly is king of the hill?

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aka Alshain
This poll comes up ever 2 months and always ends in being locked due to people getting into flamefests. I want this to be a warning now before it gets out of hand, you start to flame and this thread will go away.


Emutalk Member
vampireuk said:
So the drivers are fine and dandy because they can play a emulator properly :rolleyes:
and more to fuel the "ATI Drivers Suxxor" fire, my buddy has an ATI Radeon which is considered by Microsoft as supported for Halo (yes i know its stupid to run halo on something like that but his parents think that his *cough* Wilamette 1.8 GhZ Radeon SDR *cough* gateway is still considered an "expensive" pc) and halo kept bitching about drivers, so we tried every single version of the catalyst drivers (before he had generic winxp ATI drivers) and it kept failing to initialize D3D, we tried everything, installing DX9 then drivers, installing drivers then DX9, we checked DXDIAG and everything was enabled fine, so why is halo failing to listen to the card eh? i know this probably not a driver problem but a conflict within halo but i am just saying this to make tag feel like this :ranting:


This poll comes up ever 2 months and always ends in being locked due to people getting into flamefests.

lol , we aren't flaming , if you wanna see someone flamin' , listen to Vegetable . ;)


PJ64 Lubba
sheik124 said:
and more to fuel the "ATI Drivers Suxxor" fire, my buddy has an ATI Radeon which is considered by Microsoft as supported for Halo (yes i know its stupid to run halo on something like that but his parents think that his *cough* Wilamette 1.8 GhZ Radeon SDR *cough* gateway is still considered an "expensive" pc) and halo kept bitching about drivers, so we tried every single version of the catalyst drivers (before he had generic winxp ATI drivers) and it kept failing to initialize D3D, we tried everything, installing DX9 then drivers, installing drivers then DX9, we checked DXDIAG and everything was enabled fine, so why is halo failing to listen to the card eh? i know this probably not a driver problem but a conflict within halo but i am just saying this to make tag feel like this :ranting:

Dude, I got Radeon VE, and Halo PC ran fine (minus ALL shader effects) on mine. I forgot if it was stock or omega drivers though.


aka Alshain
H3ad5h0tter said:
lol , we aren't flaming , if you wanna see someone flamin' , listen to Vegetable . ;)

Yes I realize that, I'm just telling you past history and warning you not to get into that. This seems to be a very touchy subject for some unknown reason.


-= Clark Kent -X- =-
Xade said:
Getting back to graphics though, I'm curious as to whether we're going to need new motherboards to truely take advantage of the PCI express system of the next-gen cards. If we will, there's like... an extra £100 / $170 added on to the price of both cards immediately.

It's inevitable that with new technology comes more cost if your looking for the best performance possible. But right now, no game currently needs anything higher than AGP8x. So it will be around for a bit longer.


fivefeet8 said:
With so many unconfirmed rumors floating about from both camps, I am not quite sure who's gonna up who. What is for certain is that Nvidia with it's 6800u has just raised the bar by a fairly large margin. Both in terms of performance and features. Here is a list of features known on the Nv40 so far(we won't know all until we have these cards in our own hands):

New 4xRGMS FSAA(more modes might be added with driver updates as in the past with Nvidia)
The hybrid mixed mode Super Sampling mode FSAA are still available as well as old OGMS FSAA modes(why?). Super Sampling FSAA + AF is an interesting mix(seems to apply higher AF on textures) ;).
Options to choose Full Trilinear Filtering(actually works now) or older Brilinear filtering
Now has the same angle dependent AF as ATi(less performance hit)
Could also have an option for Nvidia's old Angle independent AF through drivers(larger perf hit)
Shader Model 3 compliancy(how much this will affect future games still remains to be seen) - Far Cry should have it soon though so we can see..
Mpeg/Divx decode/encode in hardware

From the current rumors floating about, it seems that the R420 may be a little faster than the Nv40, but will probably have less features and options. But until all these are confirmed, it's hard to be conclusive.

There's even rumors from some well informed people that the clock speeds on the Nv40's aren't final yet or that Nvidia is waiting for ATi to release information about the R420, then released Higher clocked Nv40's. Like I said, too many unconfirmed rumors at the moment.

Also, it's likely the X800pro with 12 pipes will be competing with the 16 pipe 6800u for a few weeks or a month until Ati Releases it's X800Xt with 16 pipes as well. Who knows, maybe by then Nvidia will be releasing it's higher clocked models to compete with it.
I couldn't care less for video decoding in hardware, but encoding is another matter... I mean, how many people don't have a cpu fast enough to play a divx compressed video at full speed?
These cards sound intresting, but I doubt we need them yet for some time ;)


Keeper of The Iron Tail
um, decoding divx DOES take a lot of cpu power. ever see the 1024x768 movie that recommends 2GHz to play? (not divx compression but you get the picture)


Irrelevant Insight
fivefeet8 said:
It's inevitable that with new technology comes more cost if your looking for the best performance possible. But right now, no game currently needs anything higher than AGP8x. So it will be around for a bit longer.

Presumably without the PCI express motherboards we're still going to see a massive performance boast?

Y'know, somtimes I just feel like buying a PS2 and selling out with all this hardware business. It's expensive stuff.


-= Clark Kent -X- =-
Doomulation said:
These cards sound intresting, but I doubt we need them yet for some time ;)

Unless you like to play Far Cry and Halo. The only card that currently can play those games at above 1024x768 resolutions with FSAA/AF maxxed out and still average around 60 fps is the 6800u. Both the 9800XT/FX5950 chug along in those games at times.
Last edited:


Irrelevant Insight
Christ, if that's state of affairs now, well...

HL2 and Doom 3? Off the scale...


Emutalk Member
fivefeet8 said:
Unless you like to play Far Cry and Halo. The only card that currently can play those games at above 1024x768 resolutions with FSAA/AF maxxed out and still average around 60 fps is the 6800u. Both the 9800XT/FX5950 chug along in those games at times.
Halo doesn't let you run it at ANY FSAA setting, if I have the override in the ForceWare menu set to anything but application controlled, Halo complains and fails to launch. I can run it average 40 FPS with it at 1024x768, although forcing PS 1.3 which eliminates some effects i can barely notice, and setting it to 800x600 gives a nice speed increase (try forcing shaders off, it goes so fast during the Silent Cartographer fly-by that Cortana cannot finish her sentences before the next scene appears). I just bought Far Cry, real thirsty to try it, it takes 3 fuxxoring gigs of space, back to the matter, those games are currently the most shader intense, which makes sense why they are choppy, Unreal Tournament 2004 simply flies on my system, so unless you play shader crazy games, I'd wait for something like GeForce PCX 6800 or 6900, always remember you can NEVER have the best for long.


zAlbee said:
um, decoding divx DOES take a lot of cpu power. ever see the 1024x768 movie that recommends 2GHz to play? (not divx compression but you get the picture)
Never heard of such a movie to decompress. But encoding such a movie...oh, feel the pain!

Unless you like to play Far Cry and Halo. The only card that currently can play those games at above 1024x768 resolutions with FSAA/AF maxxed out and still average around 60 fps is the 6800u. Both the 9800XT/FX5950 chug along in those games at times.
I've said it before and will say it again. SCREW THOSE GAMES! The idiots who put the requirements too high will have to suffer the consequences that less people will buy the games. Idiots. Truly.


I've said it before and will say it again. SCREW THOSE GAMES! The idiots who put the requirements too high will have to suffer the consequences that less people will buy the games. Idiots. Truly.

Lol ? You can play these games very well with very unexpensive Hardware (Radeon 9600XT , 2400+ , 512 PC333 ) @ high details . They don't really suffer when a few people are too poor to buy at least mid-end hardware...


Mr. Super Clever

It's the ATI driver team :p


Irrelevant Insight
H3ad5h0tter said:
Mwuhahaha , lol ! Nice comic , far away from reality , but funny ^_^

Closer than you think :borg:

But what's all this about people being too poor to buy hardware? C'mon, I think it's unreasonable for developers to expect their customers to have anything over a £600 / $1000 PC.

That's a lot of money for most people, poor or not! Not everyone just has disposable cash to throw on PCs, I mean doom has a fair point.


Emutalk Member
Doomulation said:
I've said it before and will say it again. SCREW THOSE GAMES! The idiots who put the requirements too high will have to suffer the consequences that less people will buy the games. Idiots. Truly.
How true


the old guy
all of these companies feed each other. nvidia or ati make a new more powerful graphics accelerator then the game companies make games that push even the newest hardware to its limits (unnecessarily) until the game runs so poorly ,even on the new hardware ,that new graphics cards are made that can handle these games and so on. And of course the cpu has to be faster to so intel and amd can get in on the act.
