Search results

  1. E

    N64 Emulation for Linux

    What's the best N64 emulator for Linux? Specifically, I want to play the Ocarina of Time Hi-res mod. Can somebody point me in the way of an emulator that will let me do that? Is it even possible?
  2. E

    DS/PSP emulation

    In the future, do youi think a DS emulator would be possible? Somehow incorporating the touch screen and possibly the mic? For the mic, you could obviously have your own mic attached to the PC and for the touch screen, I was thinking you could use the mouse somehow. Likewise, when do you think...
  3. E

    Widespread GCN Emulation

    By when do you think the emulation of GCN games will be on the same level as that of n64? By that I mean, being able to get complete, functioning games with only minor flaws and play them on your PC via an emulator. Sorry if this is a stupid question, I don't know anything about GCN emulation.
  4. E


    i've looked far and wide and i havent been able to find the "disksys.rom" file does anybody know where to find it?
