
Azahar ( a merger betwen Lime3DS and the Citra folk) emulator news update

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Azahar is a merger between Lime3DS and the Citra fork from PabloMK7, the Nintendo 3DS emulator will be available soon but in the meantime you have the info.


Welcome to the new site

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I hope everyone is enjoying the new site, new and old visitors. We've moved away from the old forum software which was very outdated, not responsive, relied on old server software and whatnot. The site is now based on XenForo 2 with a nice portal add-on allowing our news posters to easily update everyone with news from the emulation world.

The old site will still be active but kept in an archived state, meaning you can still access all content should you want to. However, the main index page of it redirects here where news will be posted. You will see more and more additions to the site coming in the near future, we'll do our best to bring back the sites to greatness.

Introducing Project64 Legacy Merchandise

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Hi all, we are very excited to introduce our project64 legacy merchandise ranges.
Not only will it be a great way for you to show your support and appreciation for this iconic project, but it will also assist us with various things going forward.

Project64 Legacy Merchandise

Please show your support and appreciation. :)
