oh wow, I havn't updated this in a while

guess that's what I get for losing my history and speed dial stuff... heh
may as well post an update for this community
so while my last post is still valid, I havn't entirely scrapped my old work...
I've been working on redoing the formatting functions with the more solid interface used with 3.0 (the update) so that scripts written for 3.0a would work with 3.0.
here's the functions everyone will be using for UMC scripts by the next dev of 3.0a:
- much more refined
- easy to understand
- automated (you don't need to specify much for things to work)
- extendable (easy for devs to manage)
I've been having a few problems after updating the system, but everything will be caught up in time.
for more info, here's the first place I usually update:
I havn't updated the functions in COMMON.py yet, and I can't release until scripts are able to fully work in 3.0 including the Header function, which is completely different.
I'm still working on the viewer to try and make it work as good as before (if not better).