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Spotlight on Shadow


Active member
Our friends over at the newly re-opened <a href="http://www.emufanatics.com">EmuFanatics</a> has posted a <a href="http://www.emufanatics.com/developers.php?func=spotlight&id=8">Spotlight on Shadow</a>, authors of the great PS2 emulator <a href="http://www.pcsx2.net">PCSX2</a>. A spotlight is EmuFanatics term for an interview with an emulator author. :)

Here's a snippet from the Spotlight:

<font class=post_quote><b>Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?</b>

Well pcsx2 0.6 is about to released in a few weeks. We have improved the compatibility a lot. Many games now start to show more and some of them are actually playable althought speed is slow..

<b>Could you provide us with an teasers of things to come for your projects?</b>

Hmm gt3 is what i wanna fix now . Also perhaps FFX . But i guess only time will tell :)</font>

Check out the <a href="http://www.emufanatics.com/developers.php?func=spotlight&id=8">Spotlight on Shadow</a> at EmuFanatics!
