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oh nooes!!1


Mr. Super Clever
* extremejv has joined #emulation64
<extremejv> Wåšsùp
<extremejv> where can i find gc demos or roms
* Dreamemu sets mode: +l 72
<emulynx> omg
<vampireuk> you cant
<vampireuk> go away
<emulynx> extremejv: have you tried local store?
<andhruska> you can find public domain roms with google..
<andhruska> if thats what you mean by demos
* Dreamemu sets mode: +o vampireuk
* Elly|ZzZ is now known as Elly
<vampireuk> extremejv you are a fucking tit
<SJR> 3..2..1...
<Knux> 0
<Knux> -1
<Knux> -2
<Knux> -3
<Knux> :p
<vampireuk> all of you sorts are fucking tits
<vampireuk> big hairy greasy man tits
<bjz> playing: "skinless - Skinless - Confines Of Human Flesh" .:128kbps|Stereo|4:11:.
<vampireuk> if someone doesnt answer within 3 seconds of you asking it doesnt mean nobody is here, wait a while you dick
* extremejv was kicked by vampireuk (now go away)
* extremejv has joined #emulation64
<extremejv> [
<Falc|Away> anyone one here
<extremejv> have fun with ur busted harddrive
* extremejv has left #emulation64
<vampireuk> lmao
<Falc|Away> what is kicked by vampireuk
<vampireuk> ooh noooes!
<Falc|Away> please help now
<vampireuk> he steels my mhz!
<Falc|Away> ?
<vampireuk> lmfao
<SJR> eh
* extremejv has joined #emulation64
* extremejv has quit IRC (« Ë×Çü®§îöñ » Info~[v9.5]~ Released~[October 27, 2003]~)
<vampireuk> he pasted my ip and claims he has busted my hardrive
<vampireuk> lmfao
<Falc|Away> =|
<SJR> rofl
<SJR> he knows how to dns
<emulynx> laughing my fucked ass off ? :D
<vampireuk> HAXXORS!!

