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JttL's SDL plugin 1.1


Active member
JttL's on fire! He just released another version of his SDL (sound plugin) for Linux N64 emulators such as Mupen64, over at the official <a href="http://www.emutalk.net/forumdisplay.php?f=50">Mupen64 message board</a> hosted at EmuTalk. The author's words:

<font class=post_quote>Last few days I have been experimenting ways to optimize the plugin. And accidently I found out some interesting ways. (Aren't all big innovations originally accidents? ). And thanks to one typo, this version of plugin seems to be much faster. (I want to hear your opinions about this, but at least on my computer it was faster.) Also few possible bugs and one Segmentation fault are fixed. More accurate changelog is in README -file.</font>

Keep up the great work, JttL!

<a href="http://www.emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=11939">Download JttL's SDL plugin 1.1</a>
