Sorry about the size of the images. -.-
Anyway, some nice progress there. I tested what I have, here's what's different from Dolphin:
Mario Power Tennis: Crashes Gcube, but you can see a faint image of the warning page.
Donkey Konga (USA and JAP): Images below. Crashes when you try to play.
Donkey Konga 2 (JAP): Images below. (Goes Ingame!)
Sonic Mega Collection: Same as Dolphin, ironcally.
Sonic Adventure 2 - Battle: Couldn't get ingame with it, too slow and the buttons won't work. But it seems to be running fairly good.
Crazy Taxi: Crashes when you try to go ingame. >_>
4x4 Evo: Shows "Licenced by Nintendo" and and crashes.
Luigi's Mansion: Makes Gcube crash.
Pokemon Colosseum: Works, in a sense. It's completely messed up, but my GCM hasn't had any file editing.
Harvest Moon: Won't pass the Licenced screen.
Paper Mario 2 (Both USA and JAP): Crashes Gcube.
Zelda - Four Swords: Works, about as well as Dolphin Teaser with the INI fixes.
WarioWare INC - Mega Party Game$: Same as Dolphin Teaser, but clearer textures in some places. Text is a tad bit more visible.
Wario World: Images below.
Zelda - Wind Waker: Won't boot.
It's a pity Gcube doesn't have sound configured.