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CXBX Showing Progress in Halo


New member
this is not official news, because we are talking about the CVS version of CXBX, however, it is great news nevertheless. As you know, CXBX is capable of emulationg Turok to a playable state.

Caustik seems optimistic that Halo may be the same, soon. Visit this <a href="http://ngemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52827">thread</a> in the cxbx forum for details.

Currently the menus are booting up, and caustik said it is booting fast. It's really great to see that Xeon does something other than Halo, and now CXBX does Halo (almost, anyway).


New member
I would just like to point out that emulation64.com was the first site to post this, all the other sites, took 6 days after we did, to get this exciting news up!
