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Best alternative to Adaptoid?


New member
The Adaptoid, as you probably all know, is a neat and very rare little adapter that connects N64 controllers to your PC via USB, perfect for use in Project64.

I've been waiting for one since February because they were setting up another production run, but that's been stalled for three months and I didn't pre-order anyway, so now I'm looking for the next best alternative.

What N64-to-USB adapters have you had good experiences with? I'm currently running Windows XP Pro, so they'll have to be compatible. The Boom and Sumo seem to be the most commonly available, are they any good?

Also, does anyone know if these things are USB 2.0 or 1.1 or what? That might affect speed, though it's hard to tell since the N64 was actually released before USB 1.1.
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Voted Least Likely to Succeed
The Boom adaptor sucks ass. I use it for my PSX controller primarily. I have an Adaptoid though, managed to nab it off eBay a little while back.

As to the USB, these things are GAMEPADS, man. They wouldn't even need USB 1.1.


New member
Okay, I wasn't sure about the USB speed. I don't use controllers on the PC generally, except for the excellent SNES RetroPort.

Amazon reviews of the Boom adapter are highly contradictory but generally the thing seems like a piece of crap.

Anyone know about the Sumo?
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New member
Okay, well I'm just going to go ahead and order it. I'll post the results when it arrives.


That Damn Good
I personally have 3 Sumos or the n64/psx usb adapter which it was called when i first bought it. I haven't had any real problems with it, it has worked with just about every game I tried and worked perfecly with any emulator I have tried. The only drawback is no rumble which is no big deal for me.


New member
Its not to hard to make your own N64 pad adapter with some very basic electronic skills. Though as I am running out of N64 pads I have swapped over to the Xbox 360 pad and official MS USB adapter. I did make a PSX adapter but found the analogue sticks to be quite poor and it just ended up annoying me. If you do a search on good there is plenty of info on making your own adapters.


New member
What's more interesting to me about the Adaptoid mess is that there's no Vista driver and it can get finicky at times. I've had one of the things for years jacked now into 2 different PCs perhaps 3 I forget, and I'm happy to have got it ages ago free for doing a review as it really has been my most favorite pad for the pc using the combo joystick/dpad setup of the N64.


Voted Least Likely to Succeed
I just use the Adaptoid driver on the site for my Vista machine. It seems to work perfectly well.
