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1964 Beta 0.99 screenshots


Active member
1964 beta tester and <a href="http://www.emutalk.net">EmuTalk</a> moderator Trotterwatch has posted screenshots of 31 different games (with comments for some of them) from 1964 Beta 0.99. A lot of things have been improved as you can tell by looking at these sweet screenies. Great news! :D

Check out the screenshots <a href="http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?threadid=16362">here</a>. Trotterwatch will post more screenshots in this thread tomorrow.


Martin said:
1964 beta tester and <a href="http://www.emutalk.net">EmuTalk</a> moderator Trotterwatch has posted screenshots of 31 different games (with comments for some of them) from 1964 Beta 0.99. A lot of things have been improved as you can tell by looking at these sweet screenies. Great news! :D

Check out the screenshots <a href="http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?threadid=16362">here</a>. Trotterwatch will post more screenshots in this thread tomorrow.

for the record, is everybody using the opengl rice plugin or directx? is there still both? is the performance much better in either one? i REALLY llike opengl better than directx, but so far most directx plugins have performed better, despite directx's latent inefficiency and closed source lameness. thanks for the info!



pandamoan said:
i REALLY llike opengl better than directx, but so far most directx plugins have performed better, despite directx's latent inefficiency and closed source lameness.
This is due to that they aren't as optimized as the directx plugins and also may depend on how good opengl support the card has.


Emulator Developer
"directx's latent inefficiency" << huh?
From my personal testing DirectX is easily as fast as OpenGL at pushing polys, if not faster.. I much prefer D3D9 to the opengl+extensions+cg mess for advanced graphics programming.
