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  1. M

    hello i hope to some body help me

    hello evry one ...please how can i playing draemecast game (cd,or iso file)?? on my computer ...which emulator i have to use ?? (CPU) 2.4ghz (RAM) 256 ddr (GFX) RADEON 9200 series 128mb (OS1) Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1 - 2600) very thank
  2. M

    i hope to some body help me

    hello friend please i want emulator to work on my computer to play ps2 gamse because i tried some emulators but it's not work ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ (CPU) 2.4ghz (RAM) 256 ddr (GFX) RADEON 9200 series 128mb (OS1) Windows XP...
