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  1. J

    Ps2/GameCube On Pc

    Hmm i was just wondering if any of u guys have gamecube and ps2 working on pc yet? i saw some screen shots of it and its NICE :)
  2. J

    EpsXe Cheat?

    Hey guys is there an epsxe cheat plugins? :plain:
  3. J


    Hmmm iam shure ive read the STICKY LIST before posting this thread and i havent goten my answer. Ok the emu works fine everything is running smooth i can play n all but i cant seem to click any of the bars after loading a game?? it happend to my yesterday and then it got fix for sum reason i...
  4. J

    Top Gear OverDrive Problems

    Hey guys i was wondering if anyone in here can play Top Gear Overdrive on pj64? because i cant ..... the game just froze or w/e at the LOGO where it says SnowBlind. any clue? :whistling
  5. J

    Black Screen?

    Hmmm iam having a problem loading [ Sega GT European Edition [Nero-551056-Selfboot] ] thats the whole name wen dled.. everytime i load the game it gets pass the part where it shows SEGA PROCED .. ETC then a black screen showed up? and now it wont load from there.. it happend to [...
  6. J

    Please Insert Game?

    Hey guys iam pretty new to this and havent check all the thread that u guys have posted yet but i will check after posting this thread i thought it would help too. ok i got everything to run smooth.... but then when i play the game it says Please Insert Game? Is there games that works and dont...
