Search results

  1. R

    Chankast linux via Cedega

    Good evening, I took some time this afternoon to try out Chankast under Gentoo. This was mostly due to boredom, but whatever. Using Cedega 4.0, I was able to fire up Chankast .25alpha and boot the European BIOS. BIOS ran between 5-10 fps. I was unable to mount any DC CDs under linux, with...
  2. R

    Feature Request: Disable DPMS

    Good evening, I'm running XFREE 4.3 with the DPMS option set in my XF86config. This causes my monitor to power down after a long period of key/mouse inactivity. I have noticed that DPMS will kick in while I am playing MUPEN via the SDL plugin. Is it possible to add the ability to disable...
  3. R

    My first bug report

    This has been resolved via the following fix: Uncomment "delay = 0;" in file memory.c on line 2424 as suggested by Hacktarux in thread . Game: Zelda Majora's Mask Error: Segfault Occurs: In intro (see attached screenshot) Plugins: glN64...
  4. R

    Debug log and linux? Howto?

    Good evening, I just went through the readme and this thread ( and am unable to figure out how to create a debug log, or where it will log to. Since I am running gentoo (which sets cflags for me), I assume that I will have to recompile with...
  5. R

    1964 through Winex and linux

    Good afternoon, I am currently running .85 on a linux box with winex. So far this has been the best way to play my N64 games under linux. The graphics are great, the game compatability is the same under windows, and I have my adaptoid (erm, radioshack cheapie) working with my controller...
