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  1. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    I'm glad to see that this project is still coming along so well. One thing to nitpick in the screenshot below, is that i feel like the coloured patterns get a little to lost when compared to the original. I think the colours need to pop and stand out a bit more.
  2. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    Wow Nerrel, keep up the great work. Hugely impressed with how much effort you have been putting into this project and how well it is all turning out!
  3. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    Wow you have been making some increidble progress, and also fantastic job on that video comparing the original N64 Majoras Mask to its remaster. You make a lot of great points in it.
  4. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    Keep up the great work Nerrel, you have been doing a fantastic job so far at retexturing Majoras Mask!
  5. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    Keep up your fantastic work Nerrel, you have done a superb job so far at managing to recreate the look of the original textures and not killing the charm of the originals.
  6. death--droid

    Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!

    Looking great!, keep up the good work :)
  7. death--droid

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project V7

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture V7 Downloads V7 Pack Please note, please do not redistribute this with other changes or other additions. You require the latest 7zip to extract these Direct Download(s) Download now Authors mode7 Chieftain459 DCS78 Death-Droid...
  8. death--droid

    Rice Video Community version

    Name: RiceVideo Type: N64 Emulator video plugin (under community development) Licence: GPL 2.0 Targeted: All Windows based users. Supported Emulators: All windows-based emulators with plugin support (1964, Project64, Mupen64plus) Requirements: MS C++ 2013 x86 Re-distributable Package (Link here...
  9. death--droid

    PJ64 1.6 Source Development Discussion

    Hmmmmm, need peoples thoughts on this, should we remain with the CPU SYNC function still in place (Its a debugging function only, synchronises both the cores we use to run at the same rate (interpreter, and recompiler) I personally can't see myself using this to debug, and well at the moment its...
  10. death--droid

    1964 1.2(Unofficial) - Release Topic

    Just thought I would post a topic here for the latest version of the unofficial 1964 that i manage at Mind you must of the changes are other peoples work I've just maintained them into the the one repo since I'm not much of a programmer myself. Yes i did have no idea...
  11. death--droid

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project Discussion topic

    Please goto
  12. death--droid

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project V6 Development Topic

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture V6 Downloads V6 Pack Please note, please do not redistribute this with other changes or other additions. You require the latest 7zip to extract these Direct Download(s) Download now HTS Donate death-droid...
  13. death--droid

    Perfect Dark retexture

    Well here is a Perfect Dark hires re-texture that I've being working on lately, I've currently only done part of the Carrington Institute but I decided I need some feedback before I process any further. Download Screenshots More coming later.
  14. death--droid

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project

    This topic is now out of date please go to the new discussion topic located at the following URL All contributors please go to the following URL
  15. death--droid

    Who still uses 1964's Netplay.

    I'm thinking of removing 1964's netplay out of the source code because of the outdated Kallerila. But i will only do that if little to no one use it now.
  16. death--droid

    1964 Svn

    Just thought i would post a topic for the new 1964 SVN just in case no ones notices. The link to the svn is . If you would like SVN Write access please contact me with your email.
  17. death--droid

    Zelda Majoras Mask Community Retexture Project

    What we currently have Green=Good and finished Dark Green=Done but could to with a remake Deep sky blue=Partially done needs completion Orange=In Progress. Red=Not Done Check list Menu Link Sword icons Shield Icons Mask Icons Skull Kid Dialogue Text HUD Action Text Observatory Epona Lune...
  18. death--droid

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project

    Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project <ARCHIVE> THIS TOPIC IS KEPT HERE FOR ARCHIVE PURPOSES PLEASE HEAD TO THE NEW TOPIC HERE Zelda Community Retexture Project BETA Pack Special thanks to all the contributors If i have missed anyone...
  19. death--droid

    Small question

    Just wonderig what game would be best to start off texturing
