Recent content by ShinjiIkari

  1. ShinjiIkari

    2.8 Pentium 4 vs Athlon XP 2800+

    What are the advantages of each of these? Please vote on which you would buy if you were getting a new computer to be used exclusively for gaming. Thanks for your input :))
  2. ShinjiIkari

    Anyone know a good lawyer?

    I gave my dark age of camelot account to a friend because I was tired of using it. He took it and played for a few months and then he renewed its time with a credit card. I took it back since I wanted to play the game again and he was refusing to even share the account with me. Now he is...
  3. ShinjiIkari

    Greater Britan Who needs the rest of the UK anyways?
  4. ShinjiIkari

    What is your biggest pet peeve?

    Mine is people bringing loud babies or cell phones into the Matrix and then being bold enough to carry on an entire 5 minute conversation during one of the best fight scenes. But I digress, please share :homestar:
  5. ShinjiIkari

    I watched you die, Mr. Anderson (possible spoilers about the new Matrix)

    ... with quite a bit of satisfaction, I might add. But then.. well then something happened that I knew was impossible but it happened anyways. You killed me, Mr. Anderson. Perhaps some of you rubbed off on me or some data was overwritten somewhere. All Agent Smith quotes aside, I would like...
  6. ShinjiIkari

    The Matrix Reloaded: My theory (definite spoilers about the movie)

    The Matrix Reloaded: my theory (definite spoilers about the movie) i warn you again that you should not read this if you have not seen the movie. my theory is basically that the world in which Neo and the others exist in is another form of the Matrix. Perhaps it was setup by the machines...
  7. ShinjiIkari

    Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson?

    Anyone else seeing the Matrix Reloaded tonight? :geek:
  8. ShinjiIkari

    URA Zelda rendering error

    I can see through Link's cap... not really a bug as much as it is an annoyance.
  9. ShinjiIkari

    I don't understand

    This is a message board all about emulation, yet people are banned for even speaking in public of how they get ROMs or even offering them. I understand where rom requests would get annoying, but what is wrong if another user decides to contact someone with the message board about how to get...
  10. ShinjiIkari

    What is zelda URA?

    I cannot find any information about it even on
