Recent content by Cukeman

  1. Cukeman

    First-Person Shooter Controls

    Playing FPS games on an emulator is a pain. Since N64 is the one I have the most FPS games there a way it can be configured to use controls like a regular FPS for the PC? For instance, when I play on a PC, I use the mouse to control the aim, W,A,S,D for forward/backward and strafe...
  2. Cukeman

    Castlevania: LOD Problem

    I've been playing "Legacy Of Darkness" and it's served me pretty well and I've gotten pretty far, but now every once in a while, it'll stop, let out a deafening screech, go black, and shut off. And on top of all that, it erases all memory saves I've made since that session. (I make sure to...
  3. Cukeman

    Master Quest going a tad slow.

    I have a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest) (a European N64 ROM, not ripped from the GameCube disc)'s great but it runs a tad slow. Certainly tolerable, but since I have a high-end PC, and my other N64 Zelda games run just's kinda getting on my nerves. I...
  4. Cukeman

    "Shadow Man" Speech Problem

    Has anyone else had a problem with Shadow Man in which the speech is not in sync with the subtitles? Even with or without the "Sync Audio with Actions" option on, it still does it. It's especially heinous at the scene before fighting Legion since you can't skip the scene and the audio dialog...
  5. Cukeman

    Joystick vs. Keyboard Problem

    I'm running into a bit of a problem, which I assume has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find another topic on it at the moment. As you already know, a keyboard is no match for an N64 controller when you're playing such touch-sensitive games as "Super Mario 64", or in my case "Ocarina...
