Geez Tag, I don't have school today,
and you're gonna make me think???
*sigh*Let me go get the calculator...
*me hunts the calculator*
43,200 is 240x180
76,800 is 320x240
That is near double, but a little ways off. Yes, I knew that some games didn't use 640x480. I remember playing Mario 64 on the old 266 @ 320x240. It was a 17 inch monitor

Oh, did I mention it had an S3 Virge in it? Yeah, I found out later that it sucked worse than a shop-vac.
SIDE TOPIC: I was about 7 or 8 when I first downloaded Powerstrip, and it had a little thingy that you could set your memory speed on your procesor. It said there were no problems with it, except your card may crap out, and you'll have to reboot. I think it ran at 33Mhz or so...I can't remember, but that sounds somewhere around it. Anyway, being the curious one I am, I slid it over to 92Mhz and hit apply. OH CRAP, I'M DEAD! The screen farted out, and I couldn't get it set back right. I gave up and rebooted, and all was fine. I uninstalled powerstrip after that...
Now? I've got my friends GF2MX400 64MB edition, and I got the SDRAM clocked up to 195. I had it at 200, but it was giving crap on the screen in Blue Shift...I knew I forgot something. I went out and bought BlueShift today. It was only 12.99 at Gamespot, and I loved Half-Life, so I bought it
Anyway, I'm gonna go back to playing.