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no$gba v2.8d released!


NO$GBA (pronounced "no cash GBA") is a freeware Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance emulator for Microsoft Windows & DOS. It is capable of running commercial and homebrew Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS ROMs, many at full speed. It is the first Nintendo DS emulator running commercial ROMs.[2] However, this claim has been disputed by many in the emulation community.[3] NO$GBA was developed by Martin Korth.

26 May 2016 - version 2.8d
- dsi/rsa: supports unencrypted "rsa" signatures (via hooked RSA swi functions)
- dsi/sdmmc: supports NDMA sdmmc start condition (for SD data32 read/write)
- dsi/sdmmc: supports SD card initialization (CMD0,2,3,7,8,9, ACMD6,13,41,42,51)
- dsi/sdmmc: created/included empty sd-card-image (file dsi-1.sd, in dsi-sd.zip)
- dsi/sdmmc: fixed irq-retriggering (recurse irq_stat on irq_mask changes)
- dsi/sdmmc: adjusts insert/eject and write-protect flags depending on dsi-#.sd
- dsi/sdmmc: prevents RXRDY in DATA32 mode (@@skip_rxrdy_in_data32_mode)
- dsi/help: added notes on EMPTY sd-image (dsi-#.sd) (DSi SD/MMC Images chapter)
- dsi/help: added notes unencrypted signatures (see BIOS RSA Functions chapter)
- dsi/help: added notes on encrypted twl-*.der files (in "verdata" NARC file)
- dsi/help: added CRC32 checksums for currently known/dump-able DSi-BIOS areas
- dsi/debug: shows insternal sd/mmc registers in iomap screen (cid,csd,csr,src)
- sample: updated magic floor gba/nds version, now with working dsi cart header

