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VGBA for Android v3.6.4


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>Android</b><br><br>via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-viewtopic-t-17312.html

Marat Fayzullin has ported his (commercial) GameBoy Advance emulator VGBA to the Android platform: VGBA for Android

New in 3.6.4:

Now saving screenshots and showing them in the file selector.

On-screen joystick now fully usable inside builtin menu.

Made virtual keyboard key labels bigger.

Fixed virtual keyboard functional and special keys.

Made About box disappear after the first couple of runs.

Fixed display and audio settings that sometimes were ignored on startup.

Fixed a display bug in VGBA that led to red color in unexpected places.
