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E-UAE 0.8.25 R3


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>PS3</b><br><br>News via Gxmod

Ole proposes a new Amiga emulator for PS3.

Features :

- Supports CPU 68000, 68010, 68020
- Support Chipset OCS, ECS and AGA
- Amiga hi-res (720x576) 32bit depth
- Emulation joystick1, joystick2 (2nd joypad required) and mouse
- Simple Options dialog (support for change disks and more)
- Sound 48000 kHz
- Keyboard emulation
- Support for loading images, zip dms
- Reading of the startup configuration in either / or dev_usb000/uae/uae.cfg / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR/UAE.CFG.

Required :

- PS3 to boot homebrew
- Uae.cfg either / dev_usb000/uae / or / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR / (sample included UAE.CFG)
- Start-Rom see the file docs / readme

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