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Mame4all Wiz (07/02/2009)


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>GP2X</b><br><br>Franxis has released a new port of Mame for the unreleased Wiz Console, heres the release notes:

MAME4ALL has been ported to the GP2X WIZ console to be released on march:

This is an early beta version based on MAME4ALL 1.6:
- Download and install MAME4ALL for the GP2X.
- Remove old files in the 'frontend' folder.
- Overwrite the executables with the WIZ ones.
- It is faster than the GP2X port.
- It contains some specific features, such as horizontal scaling with linear filtering in 16 bit color mode.

Download Here - http://www.talfi.net/gp32_franxis/
