What's new

YAPE 0.71 Released


Category: <b>Commodore</b><br><br>
• advanced settings dialog window
  • forced UpdateOverlay call introduced in 0.70 now optional
  • optionally allow only one instance of the emulator to run
  • two older tweaks (load vector patch and 1541 loader hack) are incorporated
• command line options (at long last...)
  • '/DISK#:image' for attaching an image to drive {8,9,10,11} at startup
  • '/TAPE:image' for attaching a TAP/WAV image on startup
  • '/TYPE:text' for typing 'text' on startup
  • '/NOSTART' will suppress autostart
• a couple of TED bugfixes

:: YAPE Official Site
:: YAPE 0.71
