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Beats Of Rage PSP v1.1


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>

SamuraiX has once again updated the port of Beats of Rage to the PSP, heres the release info

Mostly Bug fixes in this release, code optimizations and 1 small new feature. Lastly opening up the source for anyone who would like to add onto BOR/OpenBOR. While I am still working on the Wifi 2 Player, Feel free to implement GPU support as I am very new at video manipulation. Lastly, The update to the Game Save will currupt the old game saves. Delete them or finish your game then upgrade. Well this was a much needed break enjoy this small update.

-----> Images will now save as PNG instead of PCX.
-----> Update to Game Save. It will now save score as well.
-----> Music now Pauses in Pause Menu.
-----> Code Optimization removed alot of unnecessary code that the PSP would not use.
-----> Use the new filemenu.png since I removed Huge font code I was using to generate psp symbols.

-Sleep Mode is not supported Yet.

Future Releases:
-Wireless 2 Player support
-Video GPU Support

- Images and Saves directories are necessary for BOR. Place them in the same directory as eboot.
- Recommended all mods go in 'Paks' dir but shoudn't matter...

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